
23 Years of Existence.


Thank you for all these 23 years of my life.

Thank you Lord for another year of life, love, and happiness.

Thank you for every single blessing that I have received from everyone I have encountered in my life.

I really appreciate everything that everyone has given me in one way or another.

I would like to thank certain people in my life who made a really significant impact in the past year. 🙂



They are the first people I interact with, I am with, and the first people that I love. I love each and every member of the family in various ways! In one way or another, they shape me to be the man that I am now. I love you, Dad, Mom, Liz, Lola, Ate Millet, and everyone who has been there for me in the family since I was born. Thank you Dad and Mom for teaching me life lessons that really matter and keeping me fed and safe. Thank you Liz for being annoying and loving at the same time. Haha! Thank you Lola for being so wise and sharing your knowledge. Thank you soooo much! 😀


@NOW++. 🙂

Thank you to my closest friends since college: Charles, Als, Erwin, Josha! Thank you for making college (at least the later parts) a great experience! We’ve been through a lot together. From all the hardships of the subjects to all our shenanigans in Crown Regency, we’ve always kept our friendship strong. I hope that even though we will eventually not be in the same company together, we’ll always have our bond.

And to Phoebe and Karina, welcome to our inner circle! Although we’re not that close, I thank you for being friendly and open to all of us. I hope that we can have more bondings together. Maybe we’ll all have a trip outside Cebu someday? It would be nice guys. Anyways, thank you! 😀



Although it’s only been more than 2 years since we started sa office, we’ve also been through a lot! Thanks ninyu for making work life way easier than what it would have been without you guys. Thanks for the bonding through every part of this adventure: from the training period, to several Sportsfests, to our first batch outing. I hope we can bond more even though some are not with us currently in the office. I miss you guys now and THANK YOU! 😀 😀 😀


SHAN. <3

Last, but certainly NEVER the least, thank you to my awesome girlfriend! Ever since I met her, my life has been WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more colorful! I never expected her to come into my life and here she is, making it better every single day. We’ve been through a lot baby but I know more hardships will come. I know that we can get through everything as long as we’re together. I love you so much! Thank you for being in my life! I want to stay with you forever! 🙂 I LOVE YOU. 🙂

To everyone else that made a difference in my life but I couldn’t mention here, THANK YOU.

Seriously. THANK YOU. 🙂

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